commissions info

Thank you for your interest in my commissions!!!


I will apreciate if you are patience with me, I like to take my time drawing so I am confortable with the final product. You won’t wait more than 2 months, but please keep that in mind.
In case you are in a hurry and need delivery in less than 2 weeks, the price may rise depending on my situation at the moment.

I accept personal and comercial commissions, but the prices will be higher for comercial purposes.

References: I need references so I can work in your idea, it can be a photograh, a moodboard with images that represents your idea, a little sketch of yours…
But please, IMAGE REFERENCES are the KEY so I can understand completely your idea!!!

Payment: I only accept payments throught PAYPAL. And the payment should be done before I start working on your commission.
In case you use another

The process of my commissions
I will show you the sketch before starting rendering and you will have the first oportunity to change things or make suggestions on the painting.
Next I will show you a middle process where you will have your second and last oportunity to make changes, this time about the final colors of the picture.
And last, I will show you the final artwork, and I will send it to you with the best quality through email.

For any questions or something that has not been explained correctly you can contact me here:

commission prices

Digital colored portrait

25 EUR

Digital b&w portrait

20 EUR

Color pencil portrait

10 EUR + shipping (3 EUR)

for ordering a commission, contact me wherever you feel more confortable

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